Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Art of Jepanese Buddhist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Art of Jepanese Buddhist - Essay Example â€Å"Buddhist art originated from Indian subcontinents, with contact from other cultures all over Asia and passage of time. The art spread rapidly to other parts of Asia and into Japan†(Kim 267). We are going to use images of Buddha from the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art in our university. This paper aims at explaining the introduction of Buddhist art and development that come along as a result of Buddhism in Japan. As said above, Buddhist art owes its origin to the Indian subcontinent, the Buddhist religion and art thought to have come from China into Japan through the Korean peninsula. The Buddhist art encouraged by prince Shotoku and emperor Shomu in Seiko (6th century). This period also known as Nara period and was during the eighth century. This period in conjunction with Heian and Kamakura saw Buddhist art grow to a great extent. Several ceremonies accompanied this period, Nara, one of the most famous eye opening ceremony performed by the Japanese, at that time always accompanied by a sumptuous vegetarian banquet during the fourth of 752 for the Birushana. This ceremony is commonly known as â€Å"Great Buddha†of Todai-ji. These ceremonies get conducted in front of an icon with flowers, incense and candles. As long as the eye opening ceremony had not been performed on the carved woods, these icons got regarded as inanimate wooden substances or plants; Heian period then followed. During the early stages of Heian period, architecture and Buddhist art significantly influenced the traditional Shinto arts and Hindu art. This resulted into Buddhist painting becoming fashionable especially among the affluent Japanese. Kamakura period saw to the blossoming of the country’s Buddhist sculpture which owes its origin greatly to the works of Heian period. Buddhist art seems diverse, bold and creative. The period after 13th century saw a changeover to Zen art from orthodox Buddhist art (Joseph 652). This philosophy introduced into the country vi a Dogen and Eisai on the return journey from China. Hosts of several unique pottery and paintings showing their desire to unravel the true meaning of life can still be found belonging to that time. Art forms like martial arts and Ikebana also came up during that period. The Amida sect of the religion availed the foundation for many famous artworks. Buddhist arts gained popularity among several citizens as they fell in love with the scroll paintings, paintings of Buddhas, paintings applied in worship, hell and other religious themes. While under the Zen, sect portraitures of holy priests such as Bodhi dharma also gained popularity in addition to Sumi-e brush painting and scroll calligraphy. The popularity of Buddhist arts led to an increase in the number of Buddhist’s Temples to about 80,000 Temples in Japan, majority of these Buddhist’s Temples being made from wood. This compelled the Buddhists to carry out massive restoration in order to preserve the holy Temples. The arrival of Buddhism into Japan played a significant role in the Buddhist art, â€Å"its introduction from a Korean kingdom known as Paekche†(Charles 232) as part of a series of diplomatic exchanges that perpetuated into a wider awareness of the material cultures and beliefs of Korea and China. Further cultural exchanges during the 6th and 7th centuries brought not only a writing system (using Chinese characters), but also a religion; consequently, this led to a highly refined material culture and a sophisticated
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Chocolate: History and Benefits
Chocolate: History and Benefits CHOCOLATE Chocolate has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and hearts on Valentines Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate. Most of us know chocolate as a deliciously decadent sweet that we eat in cookies, cakes, candy bars, and other desserts. But around the world, many people have prepared chocolate as a bitter, frothy drink or even as part of a main meal served at dinnertime. And, chocolate isnt simply a snack or key ingredient in cooking. Over the centuries, many cultures have used the seeds from which chocolate is made cacao , as a sacred symbol in religious ceremonies. Plus, medicinal remedies featuring chocolate have been used as household curatives across the globe. You might think from where chocolate comes from or what it was chocolate below will be discussed on the chocolate : Chocolate. Chocolate comes from cacao tree. Cultivation of cacao trees can occur only in tropical climates, 20 degrees north or south of the equator. A growing regions including West Africa, Brazil, Ecuador and the Indies. Generally, it takes five years before the trees start bearing fruit in the form of pods. Each pod contains an average of 20-40 cocoa cream. Nearly 400 seeds needed to make one pound of chocolate liquor, semi-liquid mass produced by grinding the seeds. A non-alcoholic substances, Chocolate liquor is the basis of all chocolate products and cocoa. Once harvested, the beans had fermented, where they begin to develop their characteristic brown color. Then dry the seeds and sent to the United States and countries other chocolate industry, where producers of chocolate and roasted seeds clean. After the abolition of its outer shell, seeds will be broken into smaller pieces known as meat, or nibs. The nibs, which contain an average of 53% cocoa butter, and then ground, producing enough heat to melt the cocoa butter and cocoa liquor to produce. Chocolate can be processed into cocoa powder by pressing most of the cocoa butter from chocolate liquor. Dutched cocoa powder, cocoa powder is natural to neutralize the acidity. Having a darker color and different flavors. The word chocolate comes from xocoatl (Aztec language) which means a bitter drink. The Aztecs and Maya in Mexico believe that the god of Agriculture has sent chocolate that comes from heaven to them. Cortes then took him to Spain between the years 1502-1528, and by the Spanish people are mixed with the bitter drink that sugar tastes better. Brown then spread to France, the Netherlands and the UK. In the year 1765 chocolate factory was established in Massachusetts, United States. A Brief History of Chocolate from . â€Å"Creative Chocolate†History of Chocolate Christopher Columbus is believed the first European to discover chocolate. When Columbus returned to Spain in 1502 from the fourth voyage to the New World, he introduced many treasures to the palace of King Ferdinand. Among them were cocoa beans, almond-shaped seeds of the cacao tree which is the source of all chocolate and cocoa products we enjoy today. Several decades later, during the conquest of Mexico, Spanish explorer, Hernando Cortez, found Aztec Indians using cocoa beans to prepare a drink called chocolatl, which means warm liquid. Aztec Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly drank 50 or more servings each day, serving guests this royal drink ceremony at the gold cup, treat it like nectar to the gods. In fact, the botanical name of the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao, pays homage to the myth of origin. Translated from the Greek, Theobroma means food of the gods. Aztecs believed that the prophets had brought cocoa beans to their lands. Thus, beans are a valuable commodity, not only to be used as king beverage but also as a medium of exchange. Four cacao beans is the price of a turkey, for example. Cortez, chocolatl described as divine drink that build resistance and fights fatigue, and the like, conceived the idea of sweetening the bitter drink with cane sugar. Recipe for sweet, frothy drink undergone some more changes in Spain, where newly discovered spices such as cinnamon and vanilla are added to taste. Spain wisely began to plant cacao trees on property overseas, but leave the processing of cocoa beans to monasteries under a veil of secrecy. They save the recipe to themselves for nearly 100 years, but the secret was finally leaked to the whole of Europe. As first, chocolate is restricted to the nobility. In fact, the Spanish Princess Maria Theresa presented cacao seeds as an engagement gift Louis XIV, and brown quickly became anger of the Court of French style. Famous historical figures Casanova and Madame DuBarry both believed that chocolate was conducive to romance. So, chocolate became popular in 1657 the first of many English chocolate houses was founded, to serving drinks to the general public. Chocolate arrived in the American colonies in 1765, when the first chocolate factory opened in New England. Even Thomas Jefferson praised the goodness of chocolate, describing the benefits of chocolate for health and food. Brown mass production begins when the steam engine invented by James Watt in 1770, the engine in the cocoa grinding process, which replaces time-consuming hand-making methods. The discovery of cocoa press in 1828 by CJ Van Houten did much to improve the quality of the drink by pressing out part of the cocoa butter, the fat that occurs naturally in cocoa beans. In the mid-19th century, two significant developments revolutionized the chocolate industry. In 1847, an English company introduced solid eating chocolate. Now the public can enjoy eating chocolate out of the hands or in the form of drinks. Three decades later, in Vevey, Switzerland, Daniel Peter found that milk can be added to chocolate to create a new product, just called milk chocolate. Since then, chocolate has been made in the form of solid bar and to put candy, as well as a baked goods, ice cream, and taste of milk. The value of chocolate as a portable food for both the energy and enthusiasm has long been known. The following are some types of chocolate can be distinguished, namely: 1.Pure chocolate pure chocolate here is unsweetened chocolate, especially chocolate contains cocoa solids and cocoa butter in various proportions. It also most chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, the combination of chocolate with sugar. 2. Milk chocolate sweet The chocolate with added milk powder or condensed milk, or used in the call Whith chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but no cocoa solids. 3. Dark chocolate This serves as chocolate health benefits, because it has antioxidants in large quantities and can reduce free radical formation. Dark chocolate also has functions to reduce the possibility of a heart attack when consumed regularly in a small amount. 4. White chocolate formed from a mixture of sugar, cocoa butter and milk solids. Although texture is similar to milk and dark chocolate, but white chocolate contains no cocoa solids. Therefore, many countries do not regard as entirely white chocolate. Because not contain cocoa solids, white chocolate does not contain theobromine, which means it can be consumed by animals. 5. Semisweet chocolate that is a dark brown with a low sugar content. Bittersweet chocolate namely chocolate in form of liquor given a little sugar, with more cocoa butter, vanilla and sometimes lecithin has been added. chocolate is also less sugar and alcohol. 6.Unsweetened chocolate which is pure chocolate liquor, also known as bitter or baking chocolate. This is pure chocolate: pure, ground, roasted cacao beans instill strong chocolate taste 7. Cocoa butter is a natural fat from cocoa beans. Has a soft aroma of chocolate, but it was very bitter. It is used to give body, smoothness, and taste for chocolate. Or liquor can be poured into molds, cooled and hardened into without sugar, or cake, chocolate. The higher the cocoa butter content, the thinner the viscosity of the final chocolate product. The majority of chocolate in Europe has a cocoa butter content is higher than that made in America. Chocolate plus cocoa butter, sugar and vanilla aroma processed to produce a dark, aromatic chocolate. Different chocolate liquor ratios produce sweet, semisweet and bitter chocolate. To make chocolate milk, whole fresh milk is added to this mixture. White chocolate is a mixture of cocoa butter, sugar, milk and vanilla made flavoring. Some manufacturers use pure chocolate, not made with pure vanilla vanillin as a flavoring and use milk solids rather than whole milk. Some dark chocolate can contain milk products. Approximately two-thirds of the total world cocoa produced in West Africa, with 43% sourced from Cà ´te dIvoire. According to the World Cocoa Foundation, some 50 million people around the world depend on cocoa as a source of livelihood in the UK, most of them bought their chocolate from chocolatiers, melt, mold and package their own designs. Although some disagreement in the EU about the definition, chocolate is any product made primarily of cocoa and cocoa solid fats. Production costs can be reduced by reducing cocoa solid content or by replacing cocoa butter with non-fat cocoa. Cocoa farmers object to allowing the resulting food is called brown, because the risk of lower demand for their crops. There are two main tasks associated with creating chocolate candy, chocolate makers and chocolatiers. Chocolate makers use harvested cacao beans and other ingredients to produce couverture chocolate. Chocolatiers use the finished couverture to make chocolate candies (bars, truffles, etc.) Cacao Varieties Small cacao tree, the tree-understory trees that need rich, well drained soil. They grow naturally in 20 degrees of both sides of the equator because they need about 2,000 millimeters of rainfall per year, and temperatures in the range of 21-32 degrees Celsius. Cacao tree can not tolerate temperatures lower than 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) These three main varieties of cacao beans used in chocolate is criollo, forastero and trinitario. Representing only five percent of all cocoa beans grown : 1. criollo is the rarest and most expensive in the cocoa market and the native Central America, Caribbean islands and the north American countries Selatan.Ada some dispute about the genetic purity of cocoas sold today as Criollo, because most of the affected populations have different genetic varieties . Criollos are difficult to grow, because they are vulnerable to environmental threats and produce low results of cocoa per tree. Criollo taste is described as a complex yet delicate, classic chocolate low, but rich in secondary notes of long duration. 2. the most common are peanuts forastero, a large group of wild and cultivated cacaos, most likely the original Amazon. African cocoa crops entirely from various Forastero. They are significantly hardier and higher yields than Criollo. Source of most chocolate marketed, usually forastero cocoas strong in classic chocolate flavor, but it has a short duration and not supported by a secondary sense, to produce soft enough chocolate. 3 . Trinitario a natural hybrid of Criollo and Forastero. Trinitario originated in Trinidad after an introduction to Forastero local Criollo crop. Almost all the cocoa production for five decades is of lower Forastero or Trinitario class varieties. Chocelate is one of the snacks that are very much the favorite by many people ranging from children, young people, adults, even old people. maybe a lot of people ask if too much chocolate will be much negative impact to your body. maybe one of you who want to ask about it. a lot of people assume that the chocolate most damaging their limbs have also thinks that chocolate healthy for the body. many of the arguments coming from people who do not necessarily true certainty The following will be discussed on chocelate functions for the body Y Gynecology chocolate and function According to Mayan belief, chocolate is the food of the gods. Beans original flavor is bitter due to alkaloid content, but after going through the process engineering can produce chocolate as a food favored by anyone. Cocoa beans contain 31% fat, carbohydrates and protein 14% 9%. Chocolate is rich in protein amino acid tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosin. Although chocolate contains a high-fat, but relatively easy to rancidity because chocolate also contains polyphenols (6%) which functions as an antioxidant ketengikan deterrent. Fat in chocolate, often called cocoa butter, mostly composed of saturated fat (60%), especially stearic. But the brown fat is a vegetable fat that did not contain cholesterol. To keep pressing the saturated fat that is not too high, it is better to limit eating chocolate just one cigarette per day and consumes mebatasi supplement or other food containing catechins such as apple and tea. In research involving human subjects, found that consumption of brown fat to produce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol lower than the consumption of butter or beef fat. So although both saturated fat but the effect was produced different cholesterol. High content of stearic to chocolate allegedly the reason why brown fat is not as bad as animal fats. Have long been known that stearic acid is a neutral fat that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Why? Stearic was digested slowly by the body and also absorbed less. One third of fat found in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid was also dominant in the olive oil. Epidemiological studies in a Mediterranean population consume a lot of oleic acid from olive oil oleic concluded positive effect on heart health. Eating chocolate will not cause addiction, but for some delicious chocolate may cause the desire to consume again. This is called Craving chocolate. The impact of chocolate on behavior and mood (mood) is closely related to Craving chocolate. Brown could miss because of the aroma, texture, sweet-bitter and so on. It is also often associated with the content Phenylethylamine is a substance similar amphetanine can increase absorption of tryptophan into the brain which then in turn produce dopamine. Impact of dopamine is a sense of fun and improved mood. Phenylethylamine is also considered to have aphrodisiac properties that give rise to a feeling like someone is falling in love (heart flowers). It is said that King Montezuma in ancient times always drunk chocolate before harem-harem rotate different every night. Catechins are powerful antioxidants contained in chocolate. One of the functions of antioxidants is to prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation. Catechins are also found in tea even though there were not as high on chocolate. Parents are often ancient practice with a water wash of tea because it can make facial skin glowing and youthful. If they know that chocolate contains catechins is higher than the tea, maybe theyll suggest a shower scrubs with chocolate. Chocolate also contains theobromine and caffeine. Both these substances have been known to give effect to those who consume them awake. Therefore when we are dozing off at the airport or waiting for long queues, eating chocolate potent enough to make us excited again. A study reported by the BBC showed that the chocolate melts in the mouth resulted in increased brain activity and heart rate are more intense than that associated with passionate kisses, and also lasted four times longer after the activity ended. Y Circulatory Benefits Dark chocolate may have some beneficial effects on human health. This is mainly due to specific substances present in cocoa called epicatechin. Cacao has a significant antioxidant action, protecting against oxidation of LDL (bad fats), perhaps more than other polyphenol antioxidant-rich foods and beverages. Several studies have also observed modest reduction in blood pressure and flow-mediated dilation after consuming dark chocolate every day. Consuming milk chocolate or white chocolate, or drinking milk containing fat with dark chocolate, appears largely to negate the health benefits. Processed cocoa powder, processed with alkali greatly reduces the antioxidant capacity compared to the raw cocoa powder. Processing cocoa with alkali destroys most of the flavonoids. Y 1. Chocolate Power Boost Brain Function Chocolate contains many substances that are as stimulants such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine, compounds that have been found previously to be increased level of awareness and ability to concentrate. The results showed, by consuming chocolate can have stimulating effects that will make increased mental performance. Also chocolate can also improve memory both verbally and visually. Y 2. Prevent the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and cancer Brown has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve immune function, thus preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. Y 3. Increase libido and durable power Why chocolate can be included in the list of food required during sexual activity? In his report tells Akunyili chocolate contains chemicals that have very diverse, in which predicted chocolate contains more than 300 chemical substances, including caffeine in small amounts, teobromin, and a stimulant called Phenylethylamine (associated with amphetamines) are also contained in chocolate, which proved could raise the interest and sexual function in eating chocolate. Y 4. Making age a person becomes longer Besides it felt good, ate beneficial chocolate making age a person becomes longer. By controlling the physical activity undertaken, smoking, and eating habits found that those who like to eat sweets / chocolates age older than one year are not eating. Allegedly contained phenol antioxidants in chocolate is the reason why they can outliv!! From all of the above explanations, there are many functions or nutrient content in the chocolate .. for the fans of chocolate or also called chocolaters do not be afraid to eat chocolate. because some studies say that chocolate can make us healthy heart .. but of course with the right dosage and not excessive in eating chocolate .. for that lets find out what content is on chocolate and its function Chocolate made from cocoa beans are rich in aromatic compounds called flavonoids, which are also found in tea leaves, fruits and vegetables. To date, more than 4000 kinds of flavonoids have been identified, including those contained in chocolate. Flavonoids act as antioxidants, neutralizing the bad effects of free radicals that can destroy cells and body tissues. One half ounce of dark chocolate bars only have about 800 milligrams of antioxidants, or the same amount as contained in a cup of black tea. Hmm amazing is not it? It was nice useful again. Although chocolate contains a high-fat, but relatively easy to rancid, because chocolate also contains polyphenols that act as antioxidants preventing bad smells. For the fat in chocolate, often called cocoa butter, vegetable fat that is totally not contain cholesterol. Even in the research, found that consumption of brown fat to produce a total cholesterol lower than the consumption of butter or beef fat. So although both saturated fat but the effect was produced different cholesterol. This means eating much more healthy chocolate. One third of fat found in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid was also dominant in the olive oil. Epidemiological studies in a Mediterranean population consume a lot of oleic acid from olive oil oleic conclude a positive effect on heart health. Their heart is stronger than consume less chocolate. The question that often arises is how much we should eat chocolate? In the U.S., chocolate consumption contributes only 1 percent of the total fat intake as stated by the National Food Consumption Survey (1987-1998). This amount is relatively small, especially when compared with the contribution of meat (30%), cereals (22%), and milk (20%). Actually there is no definitive recommendations for nutrition, to chocolaters chocolate 2-3 times a week or drink chocolate milk every day is acceptable. Principles of nutrition that is actually easy to eat all kinds of food are moderate. Nutritional problems generally arise when we eat too much or too little. Chocolate in general most of the existing supply is chocolate bars or chocolate blocks and there are 2 types of divided, namely: 1. Couverture Chocolate Made from 100% chocolate derived from cacao beans outlined in the content of couverture chocolate is the cocoa mass and cocoa butter and sugar (for the type of dark chocolate, while milk and white for normal use milk solids in it to replace cocoa powder ) for bitter and sweet depending on the balance between the number of real chocolatenya with sugar. Besides it feels good, good for health but had a weakness in the storage and handling (especially for praline and somewhat sensitive to heat) 2. Inside the compound chocolate compound chocolate is almost the same composition with couverture chocolate, but cocoa butter is replaced by other vegetable fats are cheaper as coconut or soya oil. Cocoa butter is also sebenernya including vegetable fat, but why is the butter may have had the same yellow color and expensive like butter. In a sense tends to compound chocolate semi-sweet or sweet because a lot of understanding of bitter chocolate reply is not chocolate, but it is much easier handling. Compound chocolate is more often used for chocolate decoration and sometimes also to make Ganache, praline and others. In consideration of the price is much cheaper than couverture. We certainly never thought that the chocolate we enjoy often have many benefits. One of them was able to inhibit dementia brown. Just a piece of chocolate (Dark Chocolate) contains a type of antioxidant flavonols. Flavonols itself helps increase blood flow to the brain significantly. And indirectly increase the power But the chocolate sold in the market today contain low flavonol because most of the flavonols which had a bitter taste is removed. Also pay attention to the caloric content, because the chocolate bars sold high caloric content, so as to consume them still have to be limited. So still recommended choosing dark chocolate with cocoa content (cocoa content) 65-95%,. In addition to safe and healthy are also more tasty, although a little bitter Chocolate can manage mood (mood) .. Eating chocolate will not cause addiction, but chocolaters already know that chocolate has a sensation of pleasure that millions of forbidden to pass away. For some people enjoy the sensation of chocolate is very diverse, able to simply express affection or just add warmth chocolaters and couples. Also a nice chocolate may cause the desire to eat again. This is called Craving chocolate. Longing for chocolate aroma, texture, sweet, bitter, and sebagainya.cokelat can affect mood or even make people feel happy and enjoy when eating cokelate.We should learn more to know about pregnancy. So far the research results reveal that there is a correlation relationship between the content in chocolate with a positive mood effects. There are two very powerful substance to this, namely Phenylethylamine and Seratonin is a substance that triggers mood. Gynecology Phenylethylamine is a substance that can increase the absorption tryptophan (sedative substance content) into the brain which in turn produce dopamine. Impact of dopamine is a sense of fun and improved mood. Phenylethylamine is also considered to have properties that give rise to a feeling like someone in love. Other substances contained in chocolate is catechins. Catechins are powerful antioxidants contained in chocolate. One of the functions of antioxidants is to prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation. Both substances are also produced by the human brain while having fun, love or passionate romance. So do not be surprised when we feel the mood changes after eating chocolate. . INILAH.COM, London you are suffering from a heart attack? From now on, do not be too worried. Take a chocolate snack at least twice a week. Risk of death from heart attack can be reduced. At least thats the latest research in the UK. Research results show, nearly 70% who loved chocolate reduces the risk of death from heart problems than those who only occasionally. Of course, what is meant here is not chocolate with high milk content. Nor is chocolate with high fat. Findings published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, the chocolate was beneficial to health is dark brown. Previous studies have mentioned a rich dark brown with flavonoids, may reduce the risk of blood clots, protect against colon cancer, and even help prevent preterm labor. Antioxidants are compounds that protect against free radicals, molecules that accumulate in the body and damage cells. In England, the heart of the issue remains one of the largest Incredibly Deadly Viper. Approximately 270,000 people die each year due to a heart attack. One third of them died before they reached the hospital. Sometimes it happens because they put off seeking help. If someone is lucky enough to survive a heart attack, they could have had a number of disorders which drastically increases the risk of death from heart problems in the future. But, recent research conducted Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, indicating chocolate snack can be the perfect helper. They do research on 1169 patients aged between 45-70 years old who entered the hospital because of heart attack between 1992-1994. Each patient was questioned about her diet habits, including how much they eat chocolate. The results showed those who ate chocolate twice a week or more, 66% of them did not die because of heart problems than those who do not eat chocolate. While those who enjoy chocolate once a week, can reduce the risk by half. While a snack once a day or less than that, just get a bit of profit, which reduces the risk of death only 27%. The effect of chocolate on health, in recent years, attract interest. But we know, no study of possible effects of chocolate after a heart attack, said the research actors. Its just that the effect does not apply to users of milk chocolate with high calories. Actually, thats the most popular type of chocolate in the UK, also in other parts of the world, including in Indonesia. We have to interpret this study with caution because it is based on long event. Diagnosis and treatment of heart attacks that we do have ahead of time., Says Ellen Mason, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation. According to him, dark chocolate does contain antioxidants. But, the benefits of antioxidant effects also can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. So, please just make chocolate as health care, balanced diet, he said. The negative impact of chocolate and handling 1 Chocolate is not the main cause of dental decay (caries). Damage to the teeth are usually caused by the remnants of food that are not cleaned. When the children accustomed to brushing your teeth after eating chocolate, undoubtedly damaged teeth can be avoided. Moreover, good-quality chocolate such as couverture (pure chocolate), able to melt in the temperature 40 degrees Celsius. The most important thing here is to maintain healthy teeth and mouth as often as possible. Because some cases of dental caries in fact caused by our own lazy brush. 2. Against the risk of obesity Undeniable that obesity is one risk factor for degenerative diseases. But a study at Harvard University shows that if you balance the consumption of chocolate candy with enough physical activity and eat a balanced diet, then the negative effects of chocolate candy need not worry. 3. Kidney stones Brown needs to look out for, especially for people who are prone to suffer kidney stones. 100 g chocolate consumption will increase the excretion of calcium oxalate and tripled. Therefore healthy tips that can be recommended is to drink plenty of water after eating chocolate. Conclutions : Coklat Membuat Hidup Lebih Sehat In fact,chocolate is not as bad as we thought all this time, because chocolate is also contains some benefits. One of it is nutrient for our body. Besides, chocolate gives an adventage for woman beauty. Our bad feeling can also changes by eating some chocolate, maybe one of us think that chocolate make us fatty and have danger effects. Byt, we wont get that entire problem if we consume it regularly and in normal size,not too much. For all chocolate lovers, dont be so negative thinking toward chocolate . so enjoy your Chocolate.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Rap as a language Essay examples -- essays research papers
     Since its start in the music industry around nineteen eighty-eight rap music has always been under a lot of scrutiny for its lyrics and messages that it portrays. Rap music has a long history starting back to the days of slavery and has come a long way since then bridging gaps between all genres of music including jazz, blues, and basic drum beats. When hip hop first came about its message was simple. It was groups of black men who described the life they were living in the ghettos all over the world. They felt helpless and viewed the government in a very strong negative way based on the lack of help African American’s were given in the contexts of housing, education, and living. As rap music developed and more artists started bringing their own styles to the hip hop community more messages were being brought. Hip hop as a culture was formed on the political views of many black gang bangers who society cast aside and never thought would even be able to have political thoughts. In the mid nineties rap changed in a way that surprised many by having female artists come onto the scene. They were usually portrayed in a degrading manner by male artists in their lyrics and videos, but now women came forward and described themselves as sexual beings and how they have power over men based on their sexuality. Many critics have taken these stances that rap artists take and speculated over whether or not they convey a positive or negative message. Many view that the lyrics and videos provide children with the wrong idea and are the reason for sex at younger ages, and STD’s being at an all time high. Rap is not responsible for the actions of young adults and music has always been a scapegoat for parents since the days of Elvis, and KISS. Rap is like all other genres of music in the sense that it is a statement. During times of war artists criticized presidential actions and sang about peace. Rap is a declaration of life for black men and qu estions the politics involved in their lifestyles and for women it is a way to express themselves as powerful independent beings because of their sexuality.      Stereotypes are often placed into the minds of many people in the general public based on fixed images set in the minds of many MTV viewers. This has always been the case with generational music culture to fight for mor... the ghettos of the world. He claims that rap is a political stance and a language that is powerful in its ability to create movement and progress in the minds of its audience. This helps my argument because this is exactly what I want to argue. It gives crucial examples of how and why rap music can stand alone as its own well educated language. Rose, Tricia. â€Å"Fear of a Black Planet†: Rap Music and Black Cultural Politics in the 1990’s. The Journal of Negro Education vol. 60 (1991) 276-290. Rose argues that hip hop music in the 1990’s when it really began to make a name for itself came out with bang that seemed to slap many unsuspecting people in the face with its crude lyrics and â€Å"I don’t care†mentality. She gives quotes and respect to many groups of that time such as NWA and Public Enemy who gave face to the up rise of gangster rap and gave a window into the lives that black men and women where actually living. This helps my argument because I mainly was going to quote lyrics from the 1990’s because that was when rap was most political. I am however going to quote some more recent rappers such as Eminem to show how that decade has still rolled over to today’s generation.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Drugs Should Their Sale and Use Be Legalized
Running Head: SHOULD DRUGS BE LEGALIZED Comp II Drugs: Should Their Sale and Use Be Legalized Arnold Heningburg Palm Beach Atlantic University Instructor: Heather Patton Drugs: Should Their Sale and Use Be Legalized? In the last 50 plus years, the support of legalization of drugs has been a very hotly argued topic in the United States society and the world. Many believe that â€Å"street drugs†should be legal and everyone should have the choice of using them if they desire. After the introduction of these street drugs, (some that were legal for medicinal purposes), they had to be banned in society because people were abusing them.Many of these drugs now known as illegal substances were considered legal and were manufactured and created by chemists, and at some point were used for medical reasons. Unfortunately, due to many detrimental effects of prolonged use that caused human beings to become sick or die, these drugs were deemed dangerous and made illegal by the government. William Bennett's â€Å"Drugs: Should Their Sale and Use Be Legalized†goal was to tell the general American public or the communities know how important it was to uphold the countries current drug policy.The beginning of Bennett’s statement started by saying, â€Å"The issue I want to address is our national drug policy and the intellectuals†(Bennett, William). He was particularly addressing our nation about the danger of making these drugs legal. Bennett wanted everyone to know that he undoubtedly was on the side of keeping and imposing the ban on making narcotics illegal. Bennett’s article seems to be motivated by the desire to confirm his support for the current U. S. national and international policies regarding narcotics. .†Bennett’s purpose was to win over those individuals who were not sure and those who were opposing the nations drug policy, by sharing where he stood on the issue of the nations drug policy. In the article that was w ritten by Elliott Currie which was called â€Å"Toward a Policy on Drugs†, Currie maintained that illegal drugs are an deep-rooted problem for law enforcement agencies, therefore the only resolution that could aid in resolving the problem is by seeking the views or ideas of the public on how the police and the court would take action in reducing the impact of use and sale of illegal drugs in the community and society.Curie argued that by using the free sell approach it would advocate making laws less restrictive on drugs, as well the law being less discriminating of drug users. This would mean that the government ‘s ban on illegal imports would be downgraded, which would also cause the drug users not to be treated as criminals and not being punished for their illegal activities. Currie felt that this approach has been proven effective in some of the European countries like Netherlands, where they have legalized the use of small amounts of marijuana.He also argued that d ecriminalization and deregulation are not the definitive resolution to the deteriorating drug condition, but could significantly lessen the unscientific and cruel methods currently used to battle the use and sale of illegal drugs. Currie contended that it has proven and studied that there is a correlation between the prevention of drugs and the existence of crimes and violence in communities. His contention was that if illegal drugs would be made legal then it would be safe to assume that the incidence of drug-related crimes will decrease and eventually lead to the eradication of drug problems.Although, he did contend that people should not exclusively depend on this type of approach, since there are other factors and complication implicated that cannot be addressed by this approach. In my opinion, legalization of drugs will cause an increase in drug problems and in crime. The reason I state this is that while dealing research and reading the journals and articles I found that many experts agree that illicit drugs are addictive and dangerous.Those that want to legalize can admit this, but contend that if we legalized them we would have less of a problem because by making illegal drugs legal less people would consume them and therefore by legalizing it and making it accessible people would be less likely to become addicted because they would use drugs more moderately or some may just stop using drugs altogether, since it is available if they ever did want to use, comparing it to those that don’t use cigarettes or alcohol because it is legal to use.But as I read different research and journals I found that the message from history is that periods of careless controls are accompanied by increased drug abuse and that when there is strong drug control, there is less drug abuse. References Barnet, Sylvan, Bedau, Hugo, Contemporary & Classic Arguments, A Portable Anthology, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2005. Caulkins, Jonathan P. and Haijing Hao (2008). Modeli ng Drug Market Supply Reductions: Where Do All the Drugs Not Go? Journal of Policy Modeling. 30(2), pp. 251-270, DOI: 10. 1016/j. olmod. 2007. 04. 003. Hartnett, Edmund, Deputy Chief and Executive Officer, Narcotic Division, Drug Legalization: Why it Wouldn’t Work in the United States, New York City Police Department, New York [FN1] Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, U. S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration, Washington, DC U. S. A. May 2003, www. DEA. gov; David Corcoran, Legalizing Drugs: Failures Spur Debate, New York Times, November 27, 1989; Morton M. Kondracke, Don’t Legalize Drugs, The New Republic, June 27, 1988
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project Management and Virtual Teams Essay
Athabasca University Abstract Due to advanced communication technologies, globalization and outsourcing most of the project management teams are based on groups of individuals called virtual teams who work across time and space using communication technologies. Members of virtual teams may be employees of same company from same country, or they can be contractors, suppliers and company employees around the globe. Managing projects using virtual teams have some advantages and disadvantages. Also several studies have been done to try to determine the factors that are positively co-related to the effectiveness of virtual teams (Schwalbe, 2011). To manage virtual teams successfully in project management, the project manager must manage these factors successfully and also minimize the impact of disadvantages. This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual teams in project management and outlines the factors that are positively correlated to the success of projects based on virtual teams. The paper also outlines some of the recommendations to successfully manage the virtual team in information technology projects. Keywords Globalization, outsourcing, virtual teams, video conferencing, telecommuting, Project Management, Trust and relationship, Advantages of Virtual teams, Disadvantages of virtual team. Introduction Imagine that you are a project manager in a multinational organization and managing a project to upgrade the server operating system and your team members are from different countries with different cultures and working in different time zones. To complete the project successfully that is based on virtual teams, project manager must understand the advantages and disadvantages of managing virtual teams and factors that positively affect the team members. Today most of the project management teams are based on virtual teams whose members work across time and space using communication technologies and project managers cannot rely on previous methods of project team management where they were able to build trust between team member by social interaction, face-to-face meetings, and direct observations of fellow team member commitment. Literature Review Virtual teams do have some advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages outlined by Kathy Schwalbe are: 24/7 availability of workers increasing competiveness and responsiveness, lowering the cost of project as many virtual team members do not need office space and support, providing more flexibility and expertise as project managers have access to the talent around the globe and increasing the work/life balance for team members by eliminating fixed office hours and the need to travel to work. (Schwalbe, 2011). Communication and trust are the most important factors that influence the virtual team performance. Saonee Sarker and others discussed the â€Å"theoretical linkages among trust, communication, and team member performance in virtual teams†. (Sarker1, Ajuja, Sarker, & Kirkeby, 2001). To prove their argument the researchers identified and tested three proposed models (additive, interaction, and mediation) describing the role of trust in its relationship. The results of the study indicated that the â€Å"mediating†model best explains how communication and trust work together to influence the performance of virtual team members. In simple words them study proves that â€Å"a communicative individual will be more likely to be trusted and will therefore be more likely to be a high performer†. (Sarker1, Ajuja, Sarker, & Kirkeby, 2001) Radostina K. Purvanova reviewed experimental literature and emerging field research on virtual teams. Author compared the â€Å"results from both type of literature and found that experimental literature has largely reported negative results for virtual teams, whereas ? eld investigations and case studies of real virtual teams employed by business organizations report positive outcomes for virtual teams. According to the article although results reported by experimental versus field studies are quite different, author concludes that both literatures have revealed negative attitudes toward virtual communication media. Advantages of Virtual Teams The main advantages of virtual teams include: The biggest advantage of virtual team enjoyed by an organization is the associated cost savings. The organization can save huge expenses on real estate, office spaces, utility bills such as gas, electricity, water etc. and executive’s travel. Team members can work from anywhere and anytime of the day. They can choose the place they work based on the mood and the comfort. You can recruit people for their skills and suitability to the job. The location does not matter. There is no time and money wasted for commuting and clothing. Physical handicaps are not an issue. Another advantage is the labour laws, some organizations prefer to have virtual teams because of strict local labour laws. Since the members span the time zones, there could be different team working on the same project 24/7, so when one member sleeps there will be another one somewhere else who would start work where the former had left. This shortens the product development time as well as faster response time to demands in both global and local markets. Disadvantages of Virtual Teams Disadvantages of virtual teams include: Since team members do not frequently meet or do not meet at all, the teamwork spirit may not be present. Some people prefer to be in a physical office when working. These people will be less productive in virtual environments. To work for virtual teams, individuals need to have a lot of self-discipline. If the individual is not disciplined, he or she may be less productive. The cultural difference between the members of virtual teams gives rise to number of conflicts. For example, while an employee from one part of the world would write a straightforward email describing a bad situation; this would be perceived as impolite by a member of the team from other part of the world. This would lead to conflicts, mistrust and difficulties in fruitful collaboration which is so vital for the success of virtual team functioning. These challenges are also precipitated by the absence of non-verbal cues so intrinsic to face-to-face interactions. Many members of virtual teams are adversely affected by the lack of physical interactions. Most of the communications in virtual environment is task-oriented. In today’s society where job is an important social force for most of us because many of our workplace colleagues also constitute our close friends, this gives a not-so-good feeling of social isolation. This in turn counter-effects productivity as well as leads to stress. In the virtual environment, it is better to communicate, clarify, and confirm everything to make sure that all members have the same understanding about the task at hand. This produces of ton of paperwork and files that could quickly fill your archives. Factors that positively affect virtual teams Succession planning and promotions involving virtual team members are important factors and if managed properly, virtual team members will feel that they are receiving recognition and credit and as a result they will be satisfied and their productivity will be increased. (Leonard, 2011) Since team members are not communicating face to face, constructive team and individual feedback early and often becomes more important and if managed properly can avoid many problems before hand. Trust between team members and project leader is an important factor that can affect the performance of team members. One important way to build trust between team members is effective communication. The more they communicate with each other and with project more they build the trust. Well defined and documented team process also important which saves a lot of time for especially new team members to find answers to their questions related to policies and procedures. A team member selection and role preference is also important factor to successfully manage the virtual teams. â€Å"Dr. Meredith Belbin defined a team role as a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. 15 It is important to select team members carefully and to form a team where all roles are covered. Each virtual team member must also understand his or her role(s) on the team. †(Schwalbe, 2011) Discussion and Conclusions Organizations such as IBM, Microsoft, Whirlpool as well as SMEs are reaping the benefits of virtual teams for some time now. It has been a well-recognized fact that virtual team is not a passing tide but it is here to stay. Virtual teams are rising in numbers nowadays and even small technology companies are now adapting virtual team practice for recruiting the best people from all over the globe and reduce the cost. As outlined in previous sections, virtual teams do have advantaged and some disadvantages as well. To benefit from advantages and to minimize the impact of disadvantages a project manager can focus on factors that positively affect the virtual team’s performance. As indicated by previous researchers, increase in trust, comfort level and communication effectiveness leads to better project success. All of the above discussed disadvantages can be overcome by following a different leadership approach, trainings, greater role clarity and effective communication strategies. Also earlier discussed factors that affect virtual teams, if managed properly can result in a successful project. In addition, the companies using virtual teams can minimize their operating costs and maximize the profit margins. Additionally, the employees working in virtual teams are at advantages when it comes to working in their own home, own time, and reduction of commuting costs. Therefore, organizations should look into setting up virtual teams for different tasks whenever possible. To reap the benefits of virtual teams in projects and minimize the impact of disadvantages virtual team managers should manage the outlined factors properly and should also follow best practices outlined in next section. Best Practices When running virtual teams, some of the best practices include: An instant messaging program can be used to create a sense of presence amongst members of the team. Chat is a good way to have side conversations during meetings to gain consensus, confirm understanding or ask questions. Quick questions can be asked through instant messenger as a substitute for popping into someone’s cubicle. Services for syncing files, bug tracking, project management, source control, web conferencing, conference calls, screen recording, usability testing and so on. A virtual phone system allows mapping of phone extensions to any phone number. Advance features allow callers to dial by name, get placed into a phone queue or get recorded answers back from a phone tree. In-person meetings are also a good option; it helps build team cohesion and trust and can help people get to know each other on a deeper level. But they are by no means critical. Bringing everyone together once a year may cost a little, but it’s still often cheaper than paying local salaries and rent, and increases the efficiency of team.
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