Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Ode on Melancholy Essays
Ode on Melancholy Essays Ode on Melancholy Paper Ode on Melancholy Paper The differences highlighted between Ode to a nightingale and To Autumn is, their way of accepting is based on different concepts. To Autumn does so in a positive way whilst Ode to a Nightingale does not. To Autumn can be related to Ode on Melancholy; their ideas on life are similar. Ode on Melancholys theme is based on the idea that melancholy cannot be felt without feeling joy. Keats presents this through the view of Joy being unable to feel melancholy, save him whose strenuous tongue / Can burst Joys grape against his palate fine. The grape metaphorically presents the feeling of happiness and that it needs to burst and be fully tasted in order for melancholy to be completely felt or understood. To Autumn is similar in the sense that Keats understands that life and death come with each other, you cannot experience spring without experiencing the robin red breast in winter. To Autumn also makes the distinction between life and death and how they cannot be without each other when he says full-grown lamb. Lamb presents new birth and the idea of a full life ahead, whereas full-grown presents old and near death. This use of synaesthesia of the bee-mouth is able to show how quickly joy and pleasure can turn into melancholy. Sometimes there are no warning signs. It is precisely the fact that joy will come to an end that makes the experience of joy such a ravishing one; the fact that beauty dies makes the experience of beauty sharper and more thrilling. However, there are many contrasts as beauty is represented but also taken away by melancholic imagery. Like a weeping cloud is a very significant simile as nature is represented negatively although it is a common action, rain. However, weeping represents the idea of sadness and grief. Rain is not generally a negative aspect of nature. The contrast to the weeping cloud is made when this rain is able to foster the droop-headed flowers showing melancholy is also nourishing like the rain which revives the drooping flowers. Here Keats has built up an extended metaphor. The rain is very significant as it also hides the green hill showing melancholy to cover up natures finer aspects. The colour imagery of green suggests fertility, beauty and aliveness; this is the contrast of joy and melancholy. Rain and sadness are able to hide natures beauties. This contrast is almost made in April shroud which has oxymoronic ideas as April is the month of natures renewal, a pleasant setting and shroud is a cloth used for death. This portrays the idea of the mutability of life. Sadness needs to be accepted in order to enjoy lifes pleasures. Nature is a source of melancholy and like some aspects of nature, such as rainbows and waves, melancholy is not always long lasting. It is meant to be temporary, as life has many emotions through the human world as well as the natural world.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Write a Resume for a Better Job at Your Company
How to Write a Resume for a Better Job at Your Company You’ve got all the resume basics down, and you hand-tailor each document to the job you want. But what do you do when the job you want is one rung up from the job you already have- at the company where you already work? When applying for internal promotions, you’ll still need to submit a resume- and the stakes are a little bit different than when applying to new places and positions. Remember: if you’re competing with other, outside candidates, you’ll have the leg up of being a known quantity- already orientated, already cleared, already background checked, already there. But you do still want to distinguish yourself from any of your competition.Use this resume to remind your superiors and supervisors of all that you’ve learned and accomplished while in your present position. If effective, after all, they need not look any further!When in doubt, here are a few great strategies.1. Pretend it’s for another company.Even though you know it isnâ⠂¬â„¢t, and you know it has to be different overall, it’s best not to assume that whoever reads this document is going to be intimately familiar with your work. Err on the side of detailing everything you’ve achieved where you are. Make a bulleted list of all of your accomplishments, paying particular attention to instances where you showed initiative or showed off leadership characteristics. Pitch it as though it’s going to a stranger.2. Talk about obstacles.You could also make an itemized list of obstacles you faced- but be sure to also include a description explaining how you overcame each, what you learned, and how you troubleshot any problems that arose.3. Cross-reference.Take a look at the official job posting for the promotion you want. Make a list of everything it asks for. Then match your current professional experience to that list. Highlight every instance where you’re a perfect match, and find a way to address any inconsistencies. Don’t forget to describe your skill set somewhere near the top- make sure your list matches nicely with theirs for the desired position.4. Include everything.Did you take an upgrading course, attend a conference or a workshop, or participate in any continuing education program through your employer? Don’t assume they remember or have a record of your doing so. Put that stuff on your resume as well. And if you took on any additional responsibilities not technically part of your purview, be sure to put these in.5. Add the good stuff.Put in plenty of examples of your going above and beyond, including any awards or official praise you’ve received in recognition of your performance. Show that you’re ready to move up because you’re already operating on that level. Talk about when you mentored or managed a team, and emphasize your leadership skills.6. Start early.If you’re not quite ready to start applying now for your promotion, start amassing this informatio n as you go- rather than trying to rack your brain for it in a few months when you’re ready to submit. Make a â€Å"brag book†of every time you do something noteworthy. It will make compiling your new resume all the easier when it comes time to apply for that internal promotion.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Chapter 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Chapter 9 - Essay Example The environment itself as the public sees it is what is around us. We see that we have a responsibility not to destroy it. It is where we live and what supports our life and all of the life around us. We also have a social responsibility but it is different in many ways. 2. Everywhere there is an abundance of the leftovers of business and our town is no exception. This includes wood, cans, paper, and plastic to name a few. There is smoke from smokestacks and pollution from vehicles getting there and transporting. There are many recycling efforts in play especially for cans, paper and plastic. Most of the companies that bring things in on pallets allow people to use the wood for projects and for burning if they wish so that helps. The air pollutions does not seem to be dealt with a lot though the water is being recycled as much as possible. 3. The issue of global warming is tremendously large. There are many things affecting it. Those countries that were not industrialized before are and the carbon products they are putting in the air are quite large. The rain forests that have filtered the air for generations are being removed for people to live there. There are more cars on the road in more countries than ever before. The ice sheets are melting, the permafrost is melting. It is a giant problem.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Journal - Assignment Example Men will spend most of their time watching sports and playing video games as well as watching violent actions. What they see will make them think that to be a real man you need to be violent and aggressive like the stars they watch in movie actions. Men should know that that is not true because to be successful you don’t have to be powerful and dominating women. Women on the other hand spend most of their time building relationships in the media. They visit social sites in pursuit of relationship which times become more involving than the face-to face meetings. Such a use of media by women should stop because they will make them think that part of their life is looking for men who to depend on. Women should spend most of their time reading on their fields and ways to make money and run a family rather than building relationships on the media. Media personalities in their programs especially commentators use some rather harsh words against women athletes. Like Don Imus refer to women basketball team as â€Å"nappy-headed hoe.†Commentators also focus on physical attractiveness of female athletes like Maria Sharapova. On the other hand they portray men as skillful and talented. Commentators’ should focus only on the skillful and how talented the athletes and should not brought in to athletics the sexual natures of the athletes. They sports like the super sport only bring us and analyze in dept the European leagues and women have very little space. We also see only men rugby on our sports channels and rarely do we see women rugby. This will affirm our cultural believe that because men participate in more physical games like rugby then they are strong. The gatekeepers in the media houses also majority are men and this should be changed to have a 50/50 representation. The gatekeepers are responsible for what we regard as more important. The first news headlines or what is on cover page of the newspapers
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Formation of Rocks in Ireland Essay Example for Free
The Formation of Rocks in Ireland Essay It is the most widespread type of intrusive igneous rock at the earth’s surface. Igneous rocks form when molten rock is erupted at a volcano and then cools and hardens to form solid rock (Holden, 2012). Granite rock is created when magma is forced between other rocks deep within the earths crust. The magma then cools due to the drop in temperature and crystallizes in caverns deep within the earth. The molten rock cools quite slowly over time, which allows the crystals to grow and develop inside the molten rock. Granite is transported to the surface of the earth by plate tectonics. The collision of continental plates moves the granite from deep within the crust of the earth to the surface. Granite is found in Ireland in the Wicklow Mountains. (http://www. talktalk. co. uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0015252. html) Granite is distinguished by three features. Firstly, granite is composed of large mineral grains that bind tightly together. Secondly, granite always contains the minerals of quartz and feldspar. (http://www. windows2universe. org/earth/geology/ig_granite. html) These minerals give granite a light complexion, generally a pink or white colour. Thirdly, almost all granite is igneous and plutonic. This is because it formed from a fluid state, which was magma and it formed in a huge, deeply buried body also known as a pluton (http://geology. about. com/od/more_igrocks/a/granite. htm). Basalt Basalt is a common extrusive igneous rock. Basalt is commonly dark in colour. It has a fine-grained mineral texture which is due to the rapid cooling of the molten rock after it is erupted at a volcano. The rapid cooling occurs due to being exposed to the cooling air or water on the surface of the earth. Holden, 2012) Basalt is formed generally in three different environments: Oceanic divergent plate boundaries, oceanic hotspots and at hotspots and mantle plumes beneath continents. Basalt forms at oceanic divergent plate boundaries at mid-ocean ridges. At mid-ocean ridges convection currents pull the plates apart creating a rift valley. This allows hot rock from deep within the earths mantle to melt and erupt onto the seafloor forming bas alt. (Honan, 2011) At oceanic hotspots basalt is also formed. Hotspots are areas in the cente of tectonic plates where hot plumes of magma force there way to the surface. Basalt is formed at these hotspots when an eruption occurs on the ocean floor. If the eruptions are repeated enough times the basalt can build the volcanic cone larger and larger to form an island. The Hawaiian Islands are an example of this. (http://geology. com/rocks/basalt. shtml) Basalt is also formed in a continental environment where mantle plumes or hotspots can deliver large quantities of magma up to the earths surface. These eruptions generally form from fissures or vents and they produce some of the largest basalt flows on the continents. (http://geology. com/rocks/basalt. html) Basalt can be found in Ireland in the Giant’s Causeway in County Antrim. Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are created by the processes of chemical or physical weathering . The sediment which is created from the processes of weathering can accumulate over time and eventually build up and harden to form solid rock. (Holden, 2012) Limestone in Ireland formed about 300 to 350 million years in warm shallow seas when Ireland lay close to the equator. Over millions of years the bodies of dead marine creatures such as shellfish and coral fell to the seafloor and built up on the seabed. Mud and sand particles from rivers also fell to the seafloor and added to the sediment. Over time the weight of the accumalting sediment compressed the sediment. Water and air was pushed from the pore spaces and calcium carbonate from the sediment binded the rock together. The process by which loose grains of sediment are compressed to form solid rock is called lithification. (Honan, 2011) Chemical weathering and eroison of limestone rock produced unusual landscapes in Ireland called karst landscapes. An example of a karst landscape in Ireland is the Burren in County Clare. Honan and Mulholland , 2007) Sandstone Sandstone is an inorganically formed sedimentary rock. It forms when particles of igneous, metamorphic and other types of sedimentary rocks are transported by rivers and gather on the seafloor or in lakes. The sediment layers then become compacted and over time cemented together by silica to form sandstone rock. (Honan S. , 2011) Sandstone in Ireland was formed 400-350 millio n years ago when Ireland was situated 30 degrees south of the equator. During this period Ireland was experiencing some very dry desert conditions. Many large rivers flowed across the dry landscape carrying the sediments which over time formed Old Red Sandstone which can now be found in the Cork and Kerry Mountains. (Honan and Mulholland , 2007) Schist Schist is a metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks are produced from existing sedimentary or igneous rocks usually as a result of partial melting and recrystallization. The changes normally occur where there is high pressure such as under hundreds of metres of bedrock or where rock is crushed at the meeting point of tectonic plates. Many metamorphic rocks have a layered structure due to this intense external pressure. Metamorphic rocks are often harder and more resistant than sedimentary rocks. (Holden, 2012) Schist in Ireland was formed through regional metamorphism. This is when large areas of rock covering many thousands of square kilometres are metamorphsed. Schist in Ireland was formed about 400 million years ago during the Caledonian folding period. The rocks changed due to huge pressure on the rocks created by plate movement. This deformed the rocks and forced them deep into the earth’s crust where they were heated to temperatures up to 1,000 degrees.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Political History of Italy Essays -- History of Italy Essays
The political history of Italy is quite extensive. The Greeks were the first to settle in Italy and established colonies in the southern part of the country and in Sicily. There was not a sense of political reality as much as there was a civilization (Windows on Italy- History). While the Greeks controlled the south the Gauls, or Celtic people, ruled the north and the Po Valley. But the most important group to settle in Italy was the Etruscans. Because of their advanced civilization, the Etruscans were the only ones to establish political and cultural ideas before the Roman Empire (Windows on Italy- History). At the end of the Etruscans rule, Rome began a unification of Italy and established Latin to be the general language (Defusco). By 6th century BC, the city of Rome came into power. During this growing power, Rome began fighting other civilizations to expand its territory. Amongst these populations was Rome’s long time friend Carthage. Rome soon became greedy and made war on Carthage in the Second Punic War (Defusco). The Punic Wars lead Rome to gain territories along the Mediterranean basin. At the end of the Third Punic War, Rome defeated Carthage and became the major Mediterranean military power (Windows on Italy- History). In all of Rome’s defeats, Greece was the most significant. The Romans adopted Greek customs and ideas as their own. This changed the society of Rome by developing a new culture and way of thinking. The Roman Empire was soon developed by the ideas of Augustus, leading to a more democratic way of governing. The Empire created an expansion of Roman civilization by its leaders conquering other civilizations. The Empire ruled for many years under many different Emperors. During this time there was a mixture of rule between a hereditary Emperor and a Senate. With the fall of the Empire after the death of Theodosius, Italy was then attack from neighboring civilizations in the north and west. These invasions soon lead to the rising of power in individual city-states (Defusco). The citizens of the cities abolished the ideas of feudalism and searched for their own identity. Their searching lead to violent acts amongst themselves in determining who should govern, but despite the fighting, each city contributed greatly to the economy and helped to raise the cultural energy of Rome (Defusco). By the year 1861, a unified Italy was... ...e the beginning of its unification, Italy has battled with the differences of the north and south. It will take a long time to achieve economic stability in the south, but one that must be reached in order to increase the economic growth for the whole country. With its strong nationalistic views, Italy is well on its way to achieving its goals. Works Cited CIA-World Factbook-Italy. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Defusco. Italy-Culture and History. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Electric Library. Columbia University Press: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Embassy of Italy in the United States. Washington D.C.: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). U.S. Department of State. 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the Constitution. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001). Windows on Italy-the History. Italian National Research Council: 2001. (26 Nov. 2001).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Postal Rule of Acceptance
Four main justifications of Postal Acceptance Rule i. ‘Ad infinitum’ Justification Postal rule had existed almost for 200 years and the post had been creating problems for people which the courts are obliged to solve them logically. Why it had been creating so many problems for people and that we will be discussing later on. For now let’s look at the four main justifications for postal rule of acceptance. It came from Treitel and he believes that the four main justifications are for the creation of postal rule.First of all, the first justification is the â€Å"Ad Infinitum†justification where its main rationale is that acceptance by post has to be valid on posting because if there were no postings which mean there is no contract formed. Based on the case of Adam v Lindsell, the defendant actually mail the offer of selling wool to plaintiff and the plaintiff was requested on mailing back to the defendant. Unfortunately there was an error in the offered pric e and plaintiff did not receive it.We can thus conclude that the defendant had not receive the letter of acceptance and therefore the defendant assume that the plaintiff did not want to accept his offer so he sold the wool to a third party. There was actually a contract exists before the sale of the wool because acceptance made right after the mail is being mailed. Therefore, the defendant was liable in breach of contract. In this case, it might go on ad infinitum because once mail is being posted which means that acceptance is being made.Of course, there is a high level of uncertainty because of the distance between the two parties causing them difficulties for the formation of contract. ii. ‘Symbolic Act’ Justification In this justification, rationale being that the offeror must be considered as continually making (the offer) until he has brought to the knowledge of the person to whom it made that it is withdraw. Based on the case of Brogden v Directors of Metropolita n Railway Co, there was a contract sent by the defendant (Directors of Metropolitan Railway) to the plaintiff (Brogden) regarding the contract.The plaintiff agreed the contract by signing it and return to the defendant. The defendant then filled in the blanks without informing the plaintiff about the acceptance. Since there is no acceptance being communicated between the both parties, the plaintiff did not supply the company with coals. Thus, there was subsequently a dispute arose that whether the written agreement was valid. Although the action of communication of acceptance had not been showed clearly, in fact the written agreement was valid despite no acceptance being informed.Reason being both parties had already agreed on the terms of the contract without any objections. In the real world, we do not see an offeror consistently making an offer to people, and subsequently this justification seems to be attempting to affect a useful acceptance rule rather than providing any real r ationale for the postal rule. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. The Law of Contract, 11th Edition, 2003 page 25 [ 2 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010 [ 3 ]. (1818) 1 B&A 681 [ 4 ]. Henthorn v Fraser (1892) 2 Ch. 27 [ 5 ]. Stevenson P. J, 2010
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Symbolic Role of Horatio in Hamlet
In Shakespeare’s Tragedy Play Hamlet, Horatio shows as a minor character. However, the contributions and demonstrations he brings to the play and to the audience are very important and abundant. His role in the whole play can be viewed from three angles. First of all, he is most close friend of Prince Hamlet. In all the schemes, he performs as Hamlet’s informer, assistant, counselor and confidant. Secondly, Horatio rationally and wisely witnesses and judges key figures and events in the play.He has directly or indirectly involved all play’s developments from the beginning to the end. Thirdly, highlights the loyalty and intellectual achievements of which humans are capable. Horatio links the audiences and carries the hopes – loyalty to friendships, rationality to human behaviors and future, and bringing the justice to the world. Through the character of Horatio, the key concepts and benefits of loyalty, rationality and hope are portrayedHoratio is Hamlet's most trusted friend as verified from the beginning to the end of the drama. Through his wisdom, he relates the challenges he and Hamlet face with respect to Claudius. In the play, there are three friends for Hamlet. The other two, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, betray Hamlet for their selfish (yet understandable) benefits and find their own final destinations when they arrive at England. Horatio knows Denmark Prince Hamlet from Wittenberg University in England when both of them are scholars there.He comes to Denmark to join the old King, Hamlet’s father’s funeral. Hamlet reveals all his revenge plans to him. Horatio swears himself to top secret about the ghost and Hamlet's pretense of madness to hide from Claudius's. Even more important through the mousetrap play, Horatio conspires closely with Hamlet to prove Claudius's guilt. With all the ensured trusting from the Prince’s letter to him, Horatio is the first to know of Hamlet's return from England. He is the on ly real company when Hamlet discovers Ophelia’s death.In the graveyard, he presents with Hamlet when they view the Yorick’s skull with the talks about glories and death, â€Å"To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why may not imagination trace the noble dust of Alexander, till he find it stopping a bung-hole? †(5. 1. 192-4). Horatio stays with Hamlet to the end of the tragedy, to the end of Hamlet’s death, with the entire honor, loyalty to friendship, he comments to drink the poised wine to go with the Prince of Denmark: â€Å"I am more an antique Roman than a Dane. /Here’s yet some liquor left†(5. 2. 353-4).Only by the Hamlet’s final and firm request to him to keep live to tell the masses of the story, Horatio survives himself to honor the Prince’s requests, and brings the truth, justness and rightfulness to the world. Horatio best demonstrates his rationality and respectable nature outstanding all other characters in th e play, even the key character Hamlet from this point of view. The guards invite him to see the ghost as their rusting to him as a rational and knowledgeable â€Å"scholar†. (1. 1. 41; 1. 5. 150) At that time, this title is the most respectable name for the verifications or justifications.This is just like nowadays we request the signatures from doctors, teachers or lawyers etc to sign various important documents to verify our life and experiences. He reports to Hamlet and bring him to the castle. With all the cares to Hamlet, he himself provides the audiences calm, resolute, rational and confident views of the ghost and the old King’s story: â€Å"But soft, behold, lo where it comes again; /I’ll cross it hough it blast me†(1. 1. 25-6). By their careful plans and implementations of mouse-play, Hamlet confirms the old King’s murder.Hamlet gets really over excited with the confirmation. However, with the rationalities and intellects, for the best in teresting of the Prince, Horatio calm down Hamlet of any overreactions or rush actions. To meet Hamlet’s will, he brings himself back from emotionality to rationality and reality as he recognizes the importance to satisfactory Hamlet’s requests to tell the world the story. For Hamlet, Horatio is the key connection, witness and judge to attach and the audiences. He helps Hamlet form the play’s consistencies.This has been clearly demonstrated in the whole drama. Only through the conversations between Hamlet and Horatio, could the insides of Hamlet show the audiences the Prince is not really crazy or foolish but kind, sharp with dubiousness and procrastinations for his mission to revenge for his father’s murder. If we could say Hamlet is the emotion core of the drama, we might be able to see Horatio standing for calm, courage and kindness of the play, even directly from Hamlet, â€Å"Horatio, thou art e'en as just a man /As e'er my conversation coped withal †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (3. . 50-70) At the very beginning of the drama, Horatio, with the trust of the guards, help Hamlet to meet the ghost, the old King and discoveries the dirty assassination. At the end of the play, Horatio, who saw the old King’s ghost, is companying and comforting the dying Prince, â€Å"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest! †(5. 2. 343-4). Without Hamlet, it would be impossible to have the intense and feeling the ups and downs of the love, hate, remorse, hesitate, brave, courage.Without Horatio, it would be very challenge to get the senses of security, wisdom, loyalty and rationality of human being has. The play illustrates the completeness with Horatio banding Hamlet from the start to the end with good hopes left to audiences. Of all the three important roles and contributions Horatio to bring to the audiences, every piece has it own special contribution to the play. Lonely and hesitant Hamlet has at least one of best friends – trustable all time and calm and rational in any situations to conform and counsel.Horatio, really as a wise and intellectual scholar, can help the drama to reality. His unshakable loyalty and common senses lead the audiences to have the expectations when things are or may go wrong. His timely show up in the play has brought audience to both Hamlet and the audiences to the reality with logical senses. Horatio is the symbol of loyalty, rationality and hope in the great tragedy Hamlet. Works Cited Hamlet May 6, 2012.Primary Sources: Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. ed. Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor. London [England]: Thomson Learning, 2006. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. ed. Philip Edwards. Cambridge [England]: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Secondary Sources: Babra, Neil. Hamlet. Adaptation of Hamlet by William Shakespeare New York : Sparknotes, 2008. Coville, Bruce. William Shakespeare's Hamlet. New York : Dial Books, 2004. . Hamlet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Producer Dyson Lovell. Carolco International N. V. DVD. 1990. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. ed. The Rector and Visitors. University of Virginia, 2000. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. edited and rendered into modern English by Alan Durband. Hauppauge, N. Y. Barron's, 1986. Hamlet. 28 April 2012 . Horatio in Hamlet. 30 April 2012 Hoy, Cyrus. ed. Hamlet by William Shakespeare. New York: Norton, 1992. Leggatt, Alexander. Shakespeare's tragedies: violation and identity. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Marsden, John. Hamlet & Ophelia: a novel. Toronto: Harper Trophy Canada, 2009. Shakespeare Hamlet Notes. Coles Editorial Board, Toronto: Coles Notes, 2001. Shakespeare's Horatio An analysis of Hamlet's Friend Horatio. 30 March 2012 . Scene 4 – Hamlet – A Comprehensive Analysis of Shakespeare's Greatest Tragedy. 30 April 2012 .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant essays
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant essays A wise man once said There are no perfect people in the world, just perfect intentions. This statement exemplifies Pearl Tull. Pearl is the centerpiece of Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant; a novel which tells the story of her life through the eyes of the people she loved most, her children. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, by Anne Tyler, is a bittersweet novel which demonstrates how one mothers perfect intentions became just the opposite and turned what should have been an ideal family into a group of torn-apart adults who only have a vague idea of what a family should be. Late in her time, as her life was drawing to a close, Pearl Tull laid in her bed with her favorite child, Ezra, nearby. Pearl had become almost completely blind and was about to die, but while her eyes could not see her mind was sharp as a needle. Thoughts rolled in and out of her mind: what should have been, where Ezra should have gone to college, the husband she should have with her, the care her daughter Jenny should have taken about her looks, and most importantly the life she should have had. Pearl had intended nothing but the best for herself and her family but things did not seem to happen the way they should have. Pearl remembers when her intentions first began to sour and turn bad, like milk left in the heat. Her husband Beck, a salesman for the Tanner Corporation, had bought a bow and arrow set for the children. In his eyes this would create the opportunity for the perfect family trip that could bring the family together. The entire family went out on that Sunday, Jenny (the youngest), Ezra (the gentle one), and Cody (the oldest and most troublesome). Cody became extremely upset over Ezra doing something better, acted impulsively and caused an arrow to be shot unexpectedly, hitting his mother in the shoulder. Pearl remembered the trip clearly, as did Cody and Beck. Cody remembered, &...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Harvesting Pine Straw for Mulch
Harvesting Pine Straw for Mulch Pine straw is fast becoming the favored mulch and ground-cover for landscapers and homeowners in urban America. This trend is providing another non-traditional ways for a pine forest to provide extra income to the forest owner. Here are the most frequently asked questions about the increasingly lucrative pine needle harvest. Here are answers to many questions asked by people wanting to learn a bit more about harvesting pine straw. This Frequently Asked Questions page is for those interested in growing pine straw for harvest or for those who want to use pine straw as a mulch. Q: When is a pine forest ready for its first needle harvest?A: You have a potentially productive situation when an already established stand of pines reach at least 8 years of age. Q: What species of pine is considered the best for mulching and landscaping?A: Raking and baling is much easier when you have long needles. A short needled tree is nearly impossible to prepare correctly for handling, more. Q: What season do you harvest pine needles?A: The Fall. It has been found that October and November are usually the best months to harvest straw as it is when you will harvest the most in the best more. Q: At what age is a pine forest most productive for needles?A: Needle-fall in a pine stand increases with age to a peak at age 15 years. The drop remains relatively more. Q: What can I expect pine straw yields to be?A: If you begin raking when a pine stand is 6 years old, the yields will be relatively low at 50 to 75 bales per acre. At age 10, pine more. Q: Is removing needles from a site harmful?A: Yes and no. Repeated removal of the pine straw may have dramatic effects on a forest more. Q: Should I fertilize my pine stand?A: Fertilizer may be used to improve tree growth and replace some of the nutrients that are removed with raking. Fertilization may also more. Q: What should I expect to get for my pine straw?A: Sources in North Carolina suggest that Private landowners often sell their longleaf pine straw to producers, who do the raking and baling. The producer more. Q: Where can I get pine straw help?A: The best source of information on pine needle mulch is with your agricultural extension forester or your state more. Q: Why is the pine needle so popular a mulch to homeowners? A: Landscapers and building contractors are just discovering that pine straw works much better than bark nuggets more.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Is there an afterlife and what would be required for an afterlife Essay
Is there an afterlife and what would be required for an afterlife - Essay Example Death has been considered the only certain thing in life. There is even consensus to the effect that a number of changes take place during the transition from life to death, which therefore follows that changes making up life are distinct from those making up survival. In distinguishing these two varying changes, we can give a number of personal identity criteria through time to explain death (Baillie, 1993). First, we can use a criterion that has been popularized by Hume, Plato and a multiplicity of world religions. According to this criterion, human beings are either immaterial souls or even pure egos (Hume, 1739). This can be construed to mean that human beings possess the physical bodies only on a contingent basis and therefore not a necessity as far as living (in this life and the afterlife) is concerned. This being the case therefore, it is proper to argue that human being continues to live even after death. If anything their bodies are contingent and not necessarily a must-hav e in their living and especially their afterlife (Ayer, 2006). The second criterion has to do with the claim that a human being has two distinct components namely a body and a mind. This criterion, the so-called Cartesian Dualism, named so in honor of Rene Descartes, claim that the two components namely, the material body and the immaterial mind are distinct and therefore can exist separately. In fact it goes on to claim that the immaterial mind can exist separately from the material body particularly when the material body dies. This idea has however failed to convince many people because of a number of obvious faults in the reasoning behind it. For instance, is it logical for an immaterial mind to effect any change in a material body? This is the main problem that this idea has been unable to address, a problem that has since assumed the name â€Å"the problem of interactionism†(Levine, 1989). The reasons that Hume advance in arguing that death is survivable are convincing in whichever one looks at them. For instance, I am convinced that there must be another component that leaves the body to rot, otherwise what happened when a human being is resurrected by a supernatural being. Does he/she resurrect with another body or the same body which at the time must have long decomposed. This clearly demonstrates just how probable a human being might possess a separate invisible component that is left behind after his/her fresh dies and subsequently decomposes (Jerome, 1966). In opposing the idea of an afterlife, Hume argues that every creature’s ability is always proportionate to the task ahead of it. This is best demonstrated in a Hare’s or an Antelope’s ability to out-run a fox or a Lion respectively. It is also the reason why a Hare have not been equipped with the ability to appreciate Operas, which would be superfluous to its life. Given that a match between abilities and tasks has been found to cut across all creatures, it is reason able to assume that we are also matched to the tasks before us (Hume & Sayre-McCord 2006). Looked in the context of our ‘design flaws’ as far as having the ability to anticipate an afterlife is concerned, one can only conclude that there is no afterlife. Look at the way we are normally less concerned with doing good for a reward in our afterlife. Look a
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Causes of Eating Disorders for High School Students and How Can it Essay
The Causes of Eating Disorders for High School Students and How Can it be Mitigated - Essay Example The most affected are children and teenagers which constitute about 90%. It has also been found that women have a high prevalence rate than men with about 1 in 5 women showing symptoms of eating disorders. Though, the number of male victims has been doubling. With about 5.6% of teenagers dying of eating disorders related illness, this condition qualifies to be an educational problem (Laird & Janet, 2010). Therefore, the choice the topic is relevant for research purposes. Moreover, the worst hit by the condition are school going children. To this end, this research essay seeks to answer three research questions. They are: What are the common types of eating disorders for high school children? What are the causes? How can it be mitigated? In developing the research question, the following procedure was followed. After deciding on the research a topic, an extensive literature review was done after which clear and concise questions were posed. However, the questions are broad and a short research essay may cover the issues comprehensively. The research also relies on the analysis of existing data and information and this may result into unreliable and invalid findings and conclusions. . Since the research concentrates on seeking answers to eating disorders in high school children, it can be classified under explanatory research. This type of research attempts to ask questions why a given phenomena exits or why an occurrence has happened (Gary & Nancy). Many medical authors define eating disorders as a group of psychological condition that alters a person eating habits and behavior. These habits are unhealthy, maladaptive and abnormal in nature. Therefore, the disorder affects both the physical and emotional states of the victims. Although there are many eating disorders, three types are common in high school children namely: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The anorexia nervosa is characterized by maintenance of low body weight brought a bout by too much concern about body weight and shape. The affected students have great fear of becoming fat. This condition is dominant in girls because they are more preoccupied with image than boys. To achieve low weight, the students take food with low calorific value. The symptoms of this condition include: weak body brought by poor nutrition, bone loss and absence of menstruation in girls. It also results into late puberty and stunted growth (Susan, 2008). The second type, bulimia nervosa is characterized by excessive intake of food after short interval followed by compensatory habits such as excessive exercise and induced vomiting. This disorder leads to digestive system problems, dehydration and fatigue. The last type, the binge eating disorder, is simply recurrent large intake of food without practicing compensatory habit. The victims have no control of their condition and in most cases feel ashamed of it. This disorder can cause obesity. Other diseases associated with it ar e diabetes, high blood pressure and stoke. It is difficult to determine the exact cause of eating disorder in an individual. Nevertheless, several factors have been found to cause eating disorders. These range from biological to cultural. However, the later is the main cause of this condition. The problem has got more to do with fashion trend than genetics. Currently, most people in the world associate thinness of body with beauty. The media has propagated this notion by misinforming the public that the starting point to modeling is body size. When a celebrated artist or star supports such a position as in the recent
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